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Embedded Systems: Concepts, Design and Programming, 1/e

Embedded Systems: Concepts, Design and Programming, 1/e
Author(s)  Himanshu B. Dave
ISBN  9789332543522
Imprint  Pearson Education
Copyright  2015
Pages  568
Binding  Paperback
List Price  Rs. 675.00

This introductory textbook on Embedded Systems focuses on the design and development of hardware and software for embedded systems. The full spectrum of topics related to the embedded system development cycle such as CPU, Memory, Transducers, Operating System, Issues in RTOS, Legacy Microcontrollers and Processors are discussed  in detail. Pedagogical features such as real-world case studies and live examples of embedded systems make learning and teaching from this book a pleasure.


  • About the Author
  • Contents
  • Features
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Himanshu B. Dave

Senior Consultant-Training


Ahmedabad, Gujarat

Former Professor

IIT Kharagpur, WB

Parag H. Dave

Former Lecturer

Department of Computer Engineering

SVNIT, Surat




• Chapter 1 - Embedded System

• Chapter 2 - A simple embedded system: Material filling machine

• Chapter 3 - CPU and Memory

• Chapter 4 - Input/Output (I/O) Methods

• Chapter 5 - Input/Output (I/O) Interfaces and transducers

• Chapter 6 - Operating Environment

• Chapter 7 - Development Environment

• Chapter 8 - Programming in C

• Chapter 9 - Case studies

• Chapter 10 - Embedded systems debugging

• Chapter 11 - An example design

• Appendix A: Logic Circuits, FPGA and ASIC

• Appendix B: Some Legacy Microcontrollers

• Appendix C: Noise and EMI in embedded systems

• Appendix D: ADC and DAC converters

• Appendix E: Digital Signal Processing and Transforms

• Bibliography

• Index



 Extensive coverage on

o ADC & DAC Converters

o Noise & EMI in Embedded Systems

o Operating Systems

o Digital Signal Processing

? Large number of live examples and case studies

? Exclusive chapter on Issues in Real Time Operating Systems

 In-depth discussion on embedded system debugging

 Excellent Pedagogy

o 350+ Figures and Illustrations

o 150+ Solved Questions

o 400+ Unsolved Questions

o 300+ MCQs

o 50+ Lab assignments

o 15+ Case Studies


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