Lee H. Radebaugh

Lee H. Radebaugh, is the KPMG Professor and Associate Director of the MBA Program at Brigham Young University. He received his MBA and doctorate from Indiana University. He taught at the Pennsylvania State University from 1972 to 1980. He also has been a visiting professor at Escuela de Administracion de Negocios para Graduados (ESAN), a graduate business school in Lima, Peru. In 1985, Professor Radebaugh was the James Cusator Wards visiting professor at Glasgow University, Scotland. His other books include International Accounting and Multinational Enterprises (John Wiley and Sons, 4th Edition) with S.J. Gray; Introduction to Business: International Dimensions (South-Western Publishing Company) with John D. Daniels; and seven books on Canada-U.S. trade and investment relations, with Earl Fry as co-editor.