Higher Ed. and Vocational >> Engineering >> Mechanical >> Mechanical

Introduction to Solid Mechanics

Introduction to Solid Mechanics

  • Irving H. Shames
  • Author: Irving H. Shames
    • ISBN:9789332549906
    • 10 Digit ISBN:9332549907
    • Price:Rs. 975.00
    • Pages:769
    • Imprint:Pearson Education
    • Binding:Paperback
    • Status:Available

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    For second or third-year solids courses, and a valuable reference for subsequent coursework in Mechanical Engineering, Civil Engineering or Material Science.

    Rather than a rote &ldquocookbook" approach to problem-solving, this book offers a rigorous treatment of the principles behind the practices, asking students to harness their sound foundation of theory when solving problems. A wealth of examples illustrate the meaning of the theory without simply offering recipes or maps for solving similar problems.


    Table of Content

    1. Fundamental Notions.

     2. Stress.

     3. Strain.

     4. Introduction to Mechanical Properties of Solids.

     5. One-Dimensional Problems.

     6. Generalized Hooke's Law and Introduction to Energy Methods.

     7. Plane Stress.

     8. Plane Strain.

     9. Failure Criteria.

    10. Section Forces in Beams.

    11. Stresses in Beams.

    12. Deflection of Beams.

    13. *Singularity Functions.

    14. Torsion.

    15. Three Dimensional Stress Properties at a Point.

    16. Three-Dimensional Strain Relations at a Point.

    17. Introduction to Elastic Stability.

    18. * Energy Methods.

    19. Introduction to Finite Elements.



    Salient Features

    NEW - Greatly expanded, full-semester coverage of algebraic topology—Extensive treatment of the fundamental group and covering spaces. What follows is a wealth of applications—to the topology of the plane (including the Jordan curve theorem), to the classification of compact surfaces, and to the classification of covering spaces. A final chapter provides an application to group theory itself.