Higher Ed. and Vocational >> Humanities, Social Sciences and Languages >> English Language and Literature >> English Language and Literature

The Enriched Reading

The Enriched Reading

  • D Sudha Rani
  • Author: D Sudha Rani
    • ISBN:9789332556881
    • 10 Digit ISBN:9332556881
    • Price:Rs. 215.00
    • Pages:104
    • Imprint:Pearson Education
    • Binding:Paperback
    • Status:Available


    The Enriched Reading is an ensemble of interesting and inspiring speeches and short stories of eminent personalities of the world. The main focus of the editors while collating the matter was to introduce undergraduate students to two important genres of literature - speech and short story - and develop their reading skills and vocabulary.

    The collection of speeches will inspire, teach, warn and enthuse the young minds towards personal and national development. The stories included in this book are ed to cover the major areas of human experience ranging from familial dictums to the importance of honesty in one's workplace.

    Table of Content

    Chapter 1: Grammar of Anarchy
    Chapter 2: I Have a Dream: An Independent, Developed and Strong India
    Chapter 3: Nobel Lecture
    Chapter 4: Life is not Milk and Roses
    Chapter 5: Stay Hungry, Stay Foolish

    Short Stories
    Chapter 6: Death of a Hero
    Chapter 7: The Doctor's Word
    Chapter 8: The Ultimate Weapon
    Chapter 9: The Open Window
    Chapter 10: Once There was a King

    Salient Features