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Computer System Architecture, 3/e

Computer System Architecture, 3/e
Author(s)  M. Morris Mano and Rajib Mall
ISBN  9789332585607
Imprint  Pearson Education
Copyright  2017
Pages  616
Binding  Paperback
List Price  Rs. 900.00

Pearson presents the much-awaited revised edition of its pioneer title on Computer System Architecture by Morris Mano.
This revised text is spread across fifteen chapters with substantial updates to include the latest developments in the field. The first eight chapters of the book focuses on the hardware design and computer organization, while the remaining seven chapters introduces the functional units of digital computer. The pedagogy of the book has been enhancedto enablethe learners in assessing their understanding of the key concepts.
The plan for this revised edition has been thoroughly reviewed by eminent faculties of various technical universities across the country and their inputs have been incorporated to enhance the contents of this edition.

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M. Morris Mano

Rajib Mall



"First Things First

1 Defining and Collecting Data

2 Organizing and Visualizing Variables

3 Numerical Descriptive Measures

4 Basic Probability

5 Discrete Probability Distributions

6 The Normal Distribution and Other Continuous Distributions

7 Sampling Distributions

8 Confidence Interval Estimation

9 Fundamentals of Hypothesis Testing: One-Sample Tests

10 Two-Sample Tests

11 Analysis of Variance

12 Chi-Square Tests and Nonparametric Tests

13 Simple Linear Regression

14 Introduction to Multiple Regression

15 Multiple Regression Model Building

16 Time-Series Forecasting

17 Getting Ready To Analyze Data In The Future

18 Statistical Applications in Quality Management (online)

19 Decision Making (online)



Digital Logic circuits

Digital Components

Data Representation

Register Transfer and Microoperations

Basic computer organization and design

Programming the Basic Computer

Microprogrammed Control

Central Processing Unit

Pipeline and Vector Processing

Computer Arithmetic

Input-Output Organization

Memory Organization


Peripheral Devices


First Things First Chapter: This new chapter provides an orientation that helps students understand the

importance of business statistics and get ready to use Microsoft Excel even before they obtain a full copy of

this book

Getting Ready to Analyze Data in the Future: This newly expanded version of Chapter 17 adds a second

Using Statistics scenario that serves as an introduction to business analytics methods. That introduction, in

turn, explains several advanced Excel features while familiarizing students with the fundamental concepts

and vocabulary of business analytics.

Expanded Excel Coverage: Workbook instructions replace the In-Depth Excel instructionsin the Excel Guides

and discuss more fully OS X Excel ("Excel for Mac") di erences when they occur

In the Worksheet Notes that help explain the worksheet illustrations that in-chapter examples use as model


Many More Exhibits: Stand-alone summaries of important procedures that serve as a review of chapter

passages. Exhibits range from identifying best practices, such "Best Practices for Creating Visualizations" in

Chapter 2, to serving as guides to data analysis such as the pair of "Questions to Ask" exhibits in Chapter 17.

New Visual Design: This edition uses a new visual design that better organizes the chapter content and provides a more uncluttered,streamline presentation.


1. New chapters on Introduction to architecture and Peripheral devices

2. New sections on master-slave flip flop, counters, code converters, and horizontal and vertical microprogramming

3. Introduces Multibus organization, memory addressing and memory technology

4. Expanded discussion on pipelining, parallelism, and Amdahl's law

5. Over 150 new multiple choice questions and updated exercise problems"


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