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9789332536845 |
Integrated Marketing Communication: Pentacom, 4/e |
Philippe Malaval
2015 |
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Marketing,that works in India |
Y L R Moorthi
2015 |
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Marketing Management 15/e |
Philip Kotler
2015 |
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Patternmaking for Fashion Design |
Helen Joseph Armstrong
2014 |
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Marketing Issues in SMEs: Cases from India |
Neeraj Pandey
2013 |
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Case Studies in Marketing Management |
S. Ramesh Kumar
2012 |
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Principles of Direct and Database Marketing |
Alan Tapp
2012 |
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Services Marketing |
K. Rama Mohana Rao
2011 |
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Rural Marketing: Text and Cases, 2/e |
C. S. G. Krishnamacharyulu
2011 |
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Case Studies in Marketing |
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2011 |
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Business Market Management (B2B): Understanding, Creating, and Delivering Value, 3/e |
James C. Anderson
2010 |
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Global Marketing |
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2009 |
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Negotiating Essentials: Theory, Skills, and Practices |
Michael R. Carrell
2008 |
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Internet Marketing: Strategy, Implementation and Practice, 3/e |
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2008 |
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Retailing: An Introduction, 5/e |
Roger Cox
2006 |
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The CRM Handbook: A Business Guide to Customer Relationship Management |
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2006 |
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Retail Marketing Management, 2/e |
David Gilbert
2003 |
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Advertising, 4/e |
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2000 |
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