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Modern Criticism and Theory: A Reader, 2/e

Modern Criticism and Theory:  A Reader,  2/e

  • David Lodge
  • Nigel Wood
  • Author: David Lodge
    • ISBN:9788131707210
    • 10 Digit ISBN:8131707210
    • Price:Rs. 880.00
    • Pages:552
    • Imprint:Pearson Education
    • Binding:Paperback
    • Status:Available


    This new edition of David Lodge's Modern Criticism and Theory is fully revised and expanded to take account of the developments of theoretical and general interest in contemporary literary criticism since publication of the first edition in 1988. Building on the strengths of the first edition, the volume is designed to introduce the reader to the guiding concepts of present literary and cultural debate by presenting substantial extracts from the period's most seminal thinkers.

    Table of Content

    1. A Contents arranged historically
    2. Ferdinand de Saussure The object of study
    3. Walter Benjamin The storyteller
    4. Roman Jakobson Linguistics & poetics The metaphoric & metonymic poles
    5. Jacques Lacan The insistence of the letter in the unconscious
    6. Jacques Derrida Structure, sign & play in the discourse of the human sciences
    7. Mikhail Bakhtin From the prehistory of novelistic discourse
    8. Tzvetan Todorov The typology of detective form
    9. Roland Barthes The death of the author Textual analysis: Poe's 'Valdemar'
    10. Michel Foucault What is an author?
    11. Wolfgang Iser The reading process: a phenomenological approach
    12. Julia Kristeva The ethics of linguistics
    13. Harold Bloom Poetic origins & final phases
    14. E D Hirsch Jr. Faulty perspectives
    15. M H Abrams The deconstructive angel
    16. J Hillis Miller The critics as host
    17. Helene Cixous Sorties
    18. Edward Said Crisis (in orientalism)
    19. Stanley Fish Interpreting the Variorum
    20. Elaine Showalter Feminist criticism in the wilderness
    21. Paul de Man The resistance to theory
    22. Fredric Jameson The politics of theory: Ideological positions in the postmodernism debate
    23. Terry Eagleton Capitalism, modernism & postmodernism
    24. Geoffrey Hartman The interpreter's Freud
    25. Juliet Mitchell Femininity, narrative & psychoanalysis
    26. Umberto Eco Casablanca: Cult movies & intertextual collage
    27. Jean Baudrillard Simulacra & simulations
    28. Luce Irigaray The bodily encounter with the mother
    29. Patrocinio P Schweickart Reading ourselves: towards a feminist theory of reading
    30. Eve Kosovsky Sedgwick The beast in the closet
    31. Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak Feminism & critical theory
    32. Stephen Greenblatt The circulation of social energy
    33. Jerome McGann The textual condition
    34. Index
    35. B Contents arranged thematically
    36. Formalist, structuralist & post-structuralist poetics, linguistics & narratology
    37. Deconstruction
    38. Psychoanalysis
    39. Politics, ideology, cultural history
    40. Feminism
    41. Hermeneutics, reception theory, reader-response
    42. Cognitive literary scholarship

    Salient Features

    • New essays covering emerging concerns in post-colonialism, gender studies, post-modern theories of communication, lesbian/gay criticism.
    • Contains a selection of the most important and representative work from the major schools in contemporary criticism.
    • Material has also been chosen for its international literary concerns.
    • Introductions give a context for each essay.
    • Footnotes help explain the most difficult references.
    • The selection is ordered both historically and thematically, so that readers can identify for themselves links between essays.