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Managing Human Resources

Managing Human Resources

  • Luis R. Gomez-Mejia
  • David B. Balkin
  • Robert L Cardy
  • Author: Luis R. Gomez-Mejia
    • ISBN:9789332559509
    • 10 Digit ISBN:9332559503
    • Price:Rs. 1010.00
    • Pages:616
    • Imprint:Pearson Education
    • Binding:Paperback
    • Status:Available

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    Managing Human Resources, 8e, gives all future managers a business understanding of human resource management skills. The &ldquononfunctional" HR approach used in this text makes human resources relevant to anyone who has to deal with HR issues in the workplace, including those who do not hold the title of manager. The current edition is updated to include new introductory vignettes, new case studies, and a focus on emerging trends in HR.

    Table of Content

    PART I Introduction 1

    Chapter 1 Meeting Present and Emerging Strategic Human Resource Challenges

    PART II The Contexts of Human Resource Management

    Chapter 2 Managing Work Flows and Conducting Job Analysis
    Chapter 3 Understanding Equal Opportunity and the Legal Environment
    Chapter 4 Managing Diversity 118

    PART III Staffing

    Chapter 5 Recruiting and Selecting Employees
    Chapter 6 Managing Employee Separations, Downsizing, and Outplacement

    PART IV Employee Development

    Chapter 7 Appraising and Managing Performance
    Chapter 8 Training the Workforce
    Chapter 9 Developing Careers

    PART V Compensation

    Chapter 10 Managing Compensation
    Chapter 11 Rewarding Performance
    Chapter 12 Designing and Administering Benefits

    PART VI Governance

    Chapter 13 Developing Employee Relations
    Chapter 14 Respecting Employee Rights and Managing Discipline
    Chapter 15 Working with Organized Labor
    Chapter 16 Managing Workplace Safety and Health
    Chapter 17 International HRM Challenge

    Salient Features

    1) New, substantially revised, or updated introductory vignettes and end-of-chapter cases
    2) New coverage of the special human resource issues concerning social responsibility and ethics as well as technology and social media
    3) Updated coverage of how firms respond to dynamic changes in their strategy as a result of environmental jolts, and the important role that human resource management plays in this process
    4) Updated coverage of the legal environment of HR such as the changing legal requirements for companies to provide health insurance to employees and emerging regulations that attempt to balance employee and employer rights to engage in religious practices in the workplace
    5) Manager's Notebooks-a feature to provide readers exposure to a variety of issues that managers confront daily (from providing feedback during an appraisal session to preparing employees for a layoff)-include two new ones:
    a) Technology/Social Media notebooks discuss specific opportunities and challenges posed by technology and the rapid increase in the use of social media to the practice of human resource management.
    b) Ethics/Social Responsibility notebooks focus on the role of HR practices in promoting social responsibility and ethical issues that challenge managers and employees.
    6) "You Manage It!" case studies at the end of each chapter to support each of the major themes of the book