School >> Humanities & Social Science

ActiveTeach Longman History & Civics (Old one) (6-

ActiveTeach Longman History & Civics (Old one) (6- Author(s):
  • Jasmine Dhillon
  • Author: Jasmine Dhillon
      • I.C.S.E.

    ActiveTeach Longman History and Civics for ICSE Classes 6 to 8 is a comprehensive study of history and civics. The aim is to make the learning of the historical and political concepts an enjoyable experience. The pedagogical emphasis lies in promoting the learning of the subject, as well as facilitating a clear understanding of the events that shaped the history of India and the rest of the world. Civics, usually regarded as a dry, uninteresting subject, is freed from the shackles of lifeless codes. The content has been specially designed to relate its importance to our everyday life.

    List of Books

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