College Preparedness Course

MyFoundationsLab is a complete online mastery-based resource for assessing and remediating college- and career-readiness skills in reading, writing and mathematics. The system offers a rich environment of pre-built or customized assessments, personalized learning plans, and highly interactive learning activities that enable students to master skills at their own pace. Ideal for learners of various levels and ages, including continuing education or workforce readiness programs, MyFoundationsLab provides the skill development students need in order to be successful in college level courses or careers.

MyFoundationsLab provides a rich and flexible set of course materials, featuring free-response exercises that instructors can assign for online activities and assessments. The math exercises regenerate algorithmically for unlimited practice and mastery, and in activities and extra practice modes, each exercise is accompanied by an interactive guided solution and sample problem. MyFoundationsLab provides students with additional multimedia resources, such as video lectures, animations, and audio files, to independently improve their understanding and performance.

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